Weather forecast in Chicago for the day is 22 inches of snow dump in one night. 40 mph winds. Blizzard.
Again, I love windows. I feel like a 3 year old sitting by the pane. Today's view is wonderful. The snow is hazy and the flakes are literally dancing to the winds. Being swayed in every other direction in swift movements, with the grace and finesse of a figure skater.
The first month I was in Austin, the only bus I used to board was the Forty Acres. That was the only one whose route I knew. I knew all buses that looked like the FA went only in one direction and had circular routes. All of first semester, I was exploring myself, my loneliness and my gaping hollows. I remember bursting into tears one day when a friend was in my room. I had no concrete reason except for my gaping hollowness.
One day as I walked down 21st street, during the night, I had this urge to get on one of the buses and just sit. Go on an aimless journey, and I did. I went on the IF. The bus driver looked at me all through the bus ride waiting for me to pull the chain so I could get off. I got off at the same place I got on. One another day I went on the WC bus. That day I remember falling in love with 27th street where the Scottish Rite Dormitory is. It still remained my most favourite street three years later. I loved walking to CPE from my apartment on 28th. I have experienced this one street through all seasons and I remember small details about the road, the hustle and the bustle, very vividly. It's amazing how much you can trap in your memory.
The other day out of sheer boredom, I drew a whole map of Austin between 28th and 21st, every street, every bylane, remembering every intersection. So many moments, so many walks. So many domiciles.
Its funny. This life thing.
On another note. The Yum (Isiah Mustafa) will not like this.