(Because I get to dole out advice, as I wish, here)
People are dropping like flies, into marital bliss, that is.
Soon they will be on their way to biological perfection (The 'dream' of every cell is to become two cells, remember?). Whilst it seems like a natural transition in life, I hope they realize a few things...quite as naturally too.
If you are going to expose your kid to science, realize that if he understands science fully, he will embrace it fully, and there will not be any room for God. Not even the tiniest bit, on his car dashboard.
If you are going to expose your kid to good, urban (possibly even) international education, realize that he will meet many people from many places, and he will shed cultural prejudices, and there will be no room for stereotypes and racism, not even when it comes to who his girlfriend should be.
If you are going to expose your kid to the taste of freedom, and independent thinking, understand that he will make his own decisions and believe in his gut more than yours, and your wisdom will be trumped, not even when it comes to 'when' he will move-in with said-girlfriend.
Be there to clean up behind his mistakes, if and when he comes to you for help.
Be there not as a hurdle, but as an enabler.
Don't leave any room for your kid to hate you, after they turn 16 at least. Because, before that they can't help but hate you.
"When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years"
- Mark Twain (summing up the journey of every rebellious teenager to the semblance of an adult)
C'est la vie! :)